Obedience Character Interview with Danny and Roe

Audio Answers from Roe (Cassandra) Roe: 


Danny (Chandler)

Catina: Tell us about yourself. What did you do growing up?

Danny: I played sports...baseball mostly. And, I was really into art...making pottery, jewelry, photography, painting, and drawing. I also really got into musical theatre when I was in high school. Then in college, I was on a full dance scholarship with an ensemble that did nothing but European folk dance! 

Catina: How did you get interested into voice acting?

Danny: I was a rock and roll radio DJ for 13 years. Mostly in Boston, MA, and Charleston, SC. Then in 2007 I moved to Costa Rica and opened a pirate bar and restaurant called Bar Jolly Roger that I started from scratch. I did that for 13 years and we specialized in chicken wings. Man, they were good. I mean really good. We had 24 flavors, baby! Hot, honey garlic was our number one seller. Anyway, I was visiting an old DJ friend in Denver and she said I should check out voice acting. She thought I'd like it and be good at it.  So I did. I dabbled in it at first. Sort of a side hustle part-time thing.  With my radio background, it was a pretty easy transition for me. Then the pandemic hit and I decided I'd had enough of the bar business and decided to go into voice acting full-time. Here I am now in my fourth year and third career and LOVING IT!!!! 

Catina: What do you like most about narrating audiobooks?\

Danny: Using the words to paint pictures in the listener's mind. Creating a feeling, an emotion.

Catina: Have you made a funny error while narrating? Do you keep a blooper reel?

Danny: I farted while recording one of the chapters and just kept going. I left it in there to see if anyone would catch it. I can't remember which chapter it was... but it's in there and you can definitely hear it. (I am still searching lol)

Catina: Do you like listening to your narrations?

Danny: Sometimes. Every once in a while you know that you touched on something special. I'll listen back and be like....yeah, yeah, that's really good.

Catina: Is there a genre or type of book you would prefer to narrate?

Danny: Not really.

Catina: Are there scenes that are more difficult to narrate?

Danny: The sex scenes for sure. Some of the noises we make and then editing them together. It's hard not to laugh sometimes.

Catina: Do you have any audiobook narrators you admire?

Danny: I love this guy's voice. Alan Sklar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXiijMIvJns

Catina: What advice would you give to someone interested in audiobook narration?

Danny: There's a wealth of how to info out there on YouTube about how to get into voice over and audiobook narration. I think if you have a true passion for something, you'll naturally want to learn everything you can about it and you find a way to make it happen.

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